Prof. Rachel Bari
After kitchen… what creativity?
The sound of running water
and the clink of dishes
waiting to be scrubbed
leaves no room for any
music of creativity.
The mess in the kitchen counter,
the basket of veggies waiting
to be chopped and diced,
the knife menacing but pliant
In the hands of the chopper
has no role in creativity
but to shape the cut of veggies.
The smell bears no fragrance
as onions are set to peel
And the garlic. huh!
What whiff will inspire
Lyrics, o muse of creativity?
You lurk in colors, fragrances
In deep ravines, lofty mountains
Gurgling waters, icy and clear
Crisp leaves green,
Autumn and fall inspires
verses and songs,
You vanish within the kitchen
lost amidst the long lines
of masalas kept in line
adding colour and fragrance
only to curries
but not to verses
Verses dry and shrivel up
like curry leaves thrown
into hot oil.
Budding words wither
never to bloom amidst
the cacophony of noises
emanating from the cooker,
The pan, the scrub and
The dripping tap.
After kitchen, what creativity?